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This questionnaire will take less than sixty seconds to complete

Thank you for your cooperation, we do appreciate your effort and time

Please answer all questions the the best of your ability

Do you agree to take this questionnaire?*

1). Do you consider yourself a good person?*

2). Have you ever owned an pets before and if so what kind?*

3). Did you love your pet(s)?*

4). Have you ever intentionally hurt or mistreat an animal of any kind?*

5). If you adopt a puppy/dog would you treat him/her the way you would like to be treated?*

6). Which do you think is the best way of training a puppy?*

Select an option

7). Did you know dogs are somewhat like humans, that if they were taught they could learn?*

8). Will you let your puppy/dog outdoors by himself/herself without a fenced in yard?*

9). Will you keep your puppy/dog on a leash when walking him/her outside?*

10). Did you know when walking your puppy/dog you both will get great exercise?*

Email Address:*


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